Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Derbyshire Invitational

My Posse’s on Breakfast Sandwiches (yikes)

This last week I was fortunate enough to receive into my kitchen two world class chefs visiting from their retreat in Vermont. Yes, both SmokeBerg and SmokeNor came to visit and while here, they made Yankee Breakfast Sandwiches. They are Yankee because onions and jalapenos went into the cream sauce. Also the recipe came straight from Bobby Flay, who as we all know is a Yankee. I’m not too sure if the word Yankee has any more social relevance but alas, I’ve already typed it and I’m sure as hell not going to go back and delete it. This is an amateur blog. Give me a break. I’m not going to do it.

The Process:

1) Green onions were added to a whole slew of eggs along with salt and pepper. They were scrambled.

2) Jalapenos and Onions were diced and placed in a pan to sweat.

3) Patty Sausage was cooked in a roasting rack of all places. Although not shown, bacon was cooked in the oven as well.

4) Grease from the sausage and bacon was added to the onions and jalapeños along with some milk and some a.p. flour. Brought to boil and then reduced.

5) English muffins were toasted with butter under the broiler.

6) The Sandwiches were assembled.

7) Deliciousness was had.

Thanks to SmokeBerg and SmokeNor for all of the pics and good times.
According to rumors and lies, Smoked Turkey Legs will be coming soon. I’m just sayin. Until next time Smokeheads.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

The Mystery of Wellington Balthazar

Alright stop, collaborate and Brussel sprouts. (suicide)

So its Friday night, and I'm kicking it in with Psmoke and PLENTY of ladies. Plenty. Plenty. Anyway.....Brussle sprouts. Roasted Brussel Sprouts with red onions, rosemary, thyme and Spanish Paprika. I love Brussel Sprouts, and if you dont...I hate you. Get out.

Step one:
Get Hungry for delicious food. Hardcore.

Step two:
Phone your Nanna and tell her you wont be around next week because of that wedding.

Step Three:
Chop the stem off, Split in Half, put in bag.

Step 4:
Get Some rosemary from my backyard. Chop it.

Also Chop Thyme

Next: Onion

I'm trying to use less oil so I added a tablespoon for the whole bag. I probably could have gotten away with 2 teaspoons.

Add a bunch of salt pepper and the smoked paprika. (Pendery's) The paprika gives them a great color and a little kick. Fantastic.

Mix it.

Put the mix in a roasting pan.

Oven at 450, for about 30 mins. They came out all Caramelized. Pretty Much Stunnin Like your Daddy.

Serve like that, or with a vinaigrette of some sort.

Also Eat the Pan.

More meat related posts soon. I got a new camera so pretty much i have the fever. The only cure more amateur blogging.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Arnold and Babe

Like I said in the editorial comment below, ambitiousness took a back seat to laziness and a good nights sleep in my bed. So the brisket didnt happen. That being said, I'll be damned if the ribs didn't turn out better than the last batch we did. Modified the rub a little, and made a little more for future use. Rub went as follows:

4 tablespoon chile piquin
4 tablespoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon smoked paprika
3 tablespoon mustard seed

I also used a Hawaiian coarse rock salt (pictured above at upper left) bought at Central Market and fresh peppercorns from Pendery's that added a lot of flavor. After Smokehopper turned me onto the benefits of fresh ground spices, I am not sure I will go back to that pre-packaged nonsense. Used the famous 3-2-1 method again. Once I pulled Arnold and Babe out of the smoker I covered Arnold in a thin layer of BBQ sauce to see how it complemented the flavor of the rub/spices. After trying both, I have to say that there was no sauce needed. The sauce aided in reducing the strength of pungenticity of the spices, but thats about it. The slab without the sauce was ridiculous by itself. Here are some pics:

(New Residence of El Smokeador)

(Piquins in grinder)

(Finished Rub)


(Arnold and Babe rubbed sin mustard)

(Arnold con mustard)

(In their home for three hours)

(After three hours in the smoke and two in foil in the oven at 225. The kitty didn't get it)

(After 3 hours in the smoke, 2 in the oven and 1 more in the smoke)

(Sliced with flash)

(Sliced no flash)

Sorry the last couple of pics didn't turn out that great. I was having camera problems and was dealing with a cut on the ol' slicing finger. Some of those bones on the inside are incredibly tough to saw through, so make sure you have good knives.

I still have the brisket and plan on putting it on about 6 this Friday night ready to slice by 7 on Saturday. Pics might follow. I bought some new salt today and was told that it was a better smoking salt. I don't think the guy really knew what he was talking about, but neither do I so we will see. Till then, Green Acres is the place to be.

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