Alright stop what you're doing, cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to.
On January 30th, 2010 your fun little corner of the internet (you know for meat) changed the face of brisket making on a global scale. The results of our undertaking that fateful afternoon will no doubt shape the world of brisket smoking for years to come on a physical, nay a metaphysical, level.
Just kidding, we didn't change anything on a metaphysical level but we were the first people to chicken fry a smoked brisket in the history of the internet. We did several google searches (why google and not bing, because f bing thats why) and nothing came back. Quotes, hyphens, ellipses, nothing worked. I would most likely go out on a limb and say that no one with any brisket experience has ever done this. We are proud of our creation and hope you enjoy it. In fact, take some time to try it out if you must. We insist.
It was cold as all get out on the 3oth at 9:30 when we started things up. This is a neat little trick that Smokehopper showed me. Worked awesome and kept us warm.
This is a proper smoking setup if you live in Fort Worth. Please note the cup of coffee on the table. We made coffee because it was cold. There was also some jump roping involved.
Started out with 2 flats from the store. Some readers might take offense to the quality of beef that was purchased, but its a brisket and for the purposes of this post it doesn't matter that we didn't use your precious Kobe beef briskets. Picked out the flats because they wouldn't take as long to smoke and would be a ton easier to prepare for the pan than the point would be (point is the big fatty end and the flat is the flat end).
2 2.5 lbr's.
We have other ideas that are on the way, some that are still in the developmental stages (minotaur leg) and others that might not ever happen. But, if you have something you want to see us try out please feel free to leave it in the comments or shoot one of us an email. If we like your idea, we will send you a hat. We made hats.

~El Smokeador~
Looks good.
This is going to change everything...
I like char.
one of these days you're going to develop type 2 diabetes or you're going to go into cardiac the meantime, you're fucking brilliant.
I love you
Fine job gentlemen!
Those hats fuckin' rock. I got no ideas to earn a hat, other than I think a big honkin' chunk o' pork butt would be a good way to honor Smokehopper's boss and mentor, el Grande Jefe.
Your blog makes me hungry! Great to meet you at the wedding & look forward to following El Smokeador :)
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