Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Let me say this, ribs are good. There are varying methods on preparation, cooktime, etc. I have found time and again that there is only one proper way to do ribs. Hornian's 3-2-1 method. Here is the process in a nutshell:

1) Make rub (see below for the rub Smokehopper and I used)
2) Apply rub
3) Apply coarse sea salt and fresh cracked pepper
4) Rub in mustard (Yellow, not Grey Pupon)
5)Place ribs in chamber for three hours at 225 degrees
6) To quote the great Hornian: "Dont peek at the ribs, they're still in there"
7) Remove ribs from chamber, wrap in foil and place in oven for 2 hours at 225
8) Remove ribs from oven, unwrap and put back in chamber for 1 final hour. This step firms up the meat and makes it easier to slice ribs.

I really wish we had done two racks of ribs and only one filet of salmon, but now we know. And knowing is half the battle.

Other notes and observations:

Shiner Helles/Black makes and excellent smoking beer, but Coors Original Yellowbelly's are a fantastic substitute when you are in a jam. A jam can be defined as "the fridge is all the way inside."

Smokehopper has a vortex in his backyard that was not discovered when digging the Duke's temporary home. Said vortex is now known to attract washers.

Digging a hole is much easier the second time.

Gin is the only real smoking man's game. Straight gin with no laying down for points and only suited straights.

Playlist for the afternoon/evening consisted of the following:

the Avett Brothers - Emotionalism (album)
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (album)
Fleet Foxes - Self Titled (album)
and others


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